【뉴스캔】대만서 활동하는 외국기업들에대한 감세가 논의되는 가운데, 대만 국세청은 대만에 지사나 법인설립을 하지않은 외국업체들에게도 소득세를 면제하는 방안을 추진중이라고 타이완.투데이가 최근 밝혔다.


이 소식통에 따르면, 지난 몇 년간 타이페이 미국상공회의소는 지사를 가지고 잇지 않은 외국업체들에게 일괄적으로 20%의 법인세가 부과되었다고 강력히 항의해 왔다는 것.


대만의 한 회계사는 ‘현재 대만 국세청이 소득에 대해, 사업소득인지, 기타 소득인지, 아니명 서비스 소득인지를 구분하지 않고 일괄적으로 20%의 법인소득세를 부과 한것이 문제’라 밝히고 ‘앞으로 법인세 감면은 필수적’이라고 덧붙였다.


한편, 현지 세무회계사들에 따르면, 대만 국세청이 외국기업들의 사업소득을 어떻게 세분화 할지가 매우 중요한 이슈로 부각될 것이라고 전망했다.


Taiwan´s Department of Taxation plans to ease tax regulations to allow foreign enterprises that do not have a base of operations or branch offices in Taiwan to claim deductions on costs and expenses for “business income” earned in the country, said Taiwan Today recently.


According to this source, The American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei has for years complained that Taiwan lumps together all income earned in the country by foreign companies into a single category and taxes it at a rate of 20 percent.


But Accountants pointed out one problem that the National Tax Administration currently classifies service income earned in Taiwan by offshore firms as “other income” and taxes it at 20 percent.


“Business income,” “other income,” and “service income” are easily confused under the current regulations, used to be major disputes and controversy, siad accountants.


Meanwhile clearly defining the category of “business income” is seen as an important element in the Dept of taxation´s move to relax tax regulations.

The upcoming conference between the Kuomintang/KMT and Chinese Communist Party/CCP in mainland China should be referred to as the “Cross-Strait Forum,” President Ma Ying-jeou said recently.

Ma said, it´s true that the citizens have generally misunderstood the forum’s title. So considering tha KMT and CCP are hosting the forum, the official title of the conference is the “Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Cultural forum,” he explained.

But he continues, as the “Cross-Strait Forum,”It does not mean that forum participants are not limited to KMT and CCP members.

Meanwhile, the fifth annual Cross-Strait Forum will be held in mainland China from July 11 to 12.


대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자 welove5555@yahoo.co.kr


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