【뉴스캔】Taiwan Wind Energy Association/TWEA and China’s National Energy Bureau, recently kicked off a cross-strait wind energy forum in Taipei, according to Taiwan Today on August 18.


More than 500 heavyweights and business representatives from Taiwan and the mainland attended the opening ceremony.

The both says that this forum, involving exchanges between wind power sectors from the two sides, is focusing on the bilateral way for cooperation of wind energy and green evironment.


The TWEA and its mainland counterpart, the Chinese Wind Energy Association, have tentatively agreed to cooperate on such issues as resource integration and the technological division of labor to develop wind energy over the Taiwan Strait.


And the partnership will facilitate the common goal shared by both sides of making inroads into the global wind energy market, they continued.


Meanwhile The two organizations signed a letter of intention on Aug. 18 to establish a platform for future exchange and collaboration.


대만 중국간 풍력에너지를 이용하고 개발하는 공동 포럼이 최근 타이페이에서 개최되었다.


18일 타이완 투데이에 따르면, 대만측의 TWEA와 중국측의 에너지국(局)은 상호 양해각서에 서명을 통해, 풍력에너지에 대해 정보교환및 공동개발.연구등에 상당한 의견 접근을 보았다는 것.


이에따라 대만과 중국은 풍력에너지 관련 합자기관을 곧 세울것이라고 현지 소식통은 전했다.


대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자 welove5555@yahoo.co.kr



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