【뉴스캔】30일 대만에 입국하는 달라이라마와 마잉주 총통간의 만남 가능성이 화제가 되는 가운데, 대만 총통부는 현재 마 총통은 달라이라마와 만날 계획이 없다고 못박았다.


대만 남부 지방정부의 초청으로 입국하는 달라이라마는 6일동안 대만에 머물면서, 지난 8월초 대만을 강타한 태풍 모라꼿의 영향으로 사망한 사람들의 영혼을 위로하게 된다.


한편, 총통부는 ‘마 총통은 태풍으로 죽어산 망자(亡者)들을 위해 9월7일 열리는 범국가적 차원의 종교의식에만 참석할 것’이라고 덧붙였다.

" Regarding Ma´s schedule for attending the religious services for people passed during Typhoon Morakot, Ma has only planned to attend a national mourning ceremony on Sept. 7 for all those killed during the storm. There is no any plan for other activities," said President Office, ruling out the possibility of Ma´s meeting with the Dalai Lama in private" they added.

Taiwan´s President Ma Ying-jeou is not expected to meet with the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, during his 6 day stay in Taiwan, according to Presidential Office recently.


Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan religious leader, who was invited by local government in southern Taiwan, is planned to arrive in Taiwan on Sunday.


Though his purpose is to preside over a series of buddhism services for all people, whether death or alive, by Typhoon which devastated southern Taiwan with the most serious flooding and mountain-slides early of August, Ma will not meet him in Taiwan, said President Office.


" Regarding Ma´s schedule for attending the religious services for people passed during Typhoon Morakot, Ma has only planned to attend a national mourning ceremony on Sept. 7 for all those killed during the storm. There is no any plan for other activities," said President Office, ruling out the possibility of Ma´s meeting with the Dalai Lama in private" they added.


대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자(외교부 出入)




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