US based-Human Motion NA LLC sparks it, Now

Meanwhile, one person who familiar with fuctional shoes industy added, " If Korea-U.S FTA get a ratification from each congress, functional shoes boom would be able to arise in America without delay", mentioning about the importance of "Why made in Korea" in the U.S market.

“ We gain here lots of possibility composed of Korean way of life, as well as business culture " said Bruce Anderson, CEO of Human Motion NA LLC from America in MSZONE Co, a Korea-based maker & exporter of functional shoes.


He said that " That´s why we just officially expressed our decision that we´re redy to import 1.5 million pairs of MSZONE´s fuctional shoes totally for coming three years, through bilateral M.O.U"


" And if possible " he continued, " We will promote Korean culture together with fuctional shoes made in Korea "


Asked about "WHY MSZONE´ and its high quality made in Korea, wondering if he could be able to do like that, He said, " We know Korean products are more expensive than all those made in China, Thailand, and Indonesia. But we came here to create the new U.S local market with MSZONE´s quality filled with price competitiveness "


According to him, It´s important that Human Motion NA LLC can open the new local market in the medical care´s field. Because he said, " We are certain that MSZONE´s quality came from human body-based technology, the top quality´s material, perfect quality control, and manufacturing process "


Meanwhile, one person who familiar with fuctional shoes industy added, " If Korea-U.S FTA get a ratification from each congress, functional shoes boom would be able to arise in America without delay", mentioning about the importance of "Why made in Korea" in the U.S market.



2009년 제네바국제발명특허전에서 금상을 받은 특허기술, 그리고 100% 한국산(韓國産)생산을 고수해온 기능성신발제조.수출업체인 MSZONE(회장:이봉재)의 미국돌풍이 가시화 되었다.


최근 미국측 파트너인 Human Motion NA LLC社의 부르스 앤더슨(Bruce Anderson) CEO는 ‘MSZONE의 Made in Korea품질에 매료되었다’면서 ‘특히 미국내 치료목적이나 재활분야에서 MSZONE의 기능성 신발은 무한한 가능성을 갖고있다’고 말했다.


최근 공장현장조사를 마치고 MSZONE 본사에서 만난 앤더슨 CEO는 ‘엠에스존 신발은 완벽한 품질관리, 제조공정, 그리고 특히 최상급의 소재를 사용한다’고 Factory Trip의 소감을 밝혔다.


"저희가 2010년부터 3년간 모두 150만켤레의 한국산 기능성 신발을 수입하기로 엠에스존과 MOU를 맺은 이유가 바로 여기에 있습니다"


이어 그는 ‘기회가 된다면 미국내에서도 한국문화를 가지고 기능성신발을 프로모션하겠다’고 밝히기도 했다.


한편, 앤더슨 CEO는 나이키에서도 17년간을 근무했고, 미국내에서는 신발업계의 전문가로 불리고 있다. (사진설명/이청근 영업총괄 사장과 함께한 앤더슨 CEO)



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