Yong Sik, Choi, the Chairman of Korea Tools Industry Cooperation


【뉴스캔】 There was a meaningful meeting between Korea and Japan´s economic world, hosted by Korea´s government on January 11, 2009.

It was made for more lubricated business between the both, overcoming current world´s economic crisis side by side.

" Especially thanks to President Lee and Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, this lunchoen meeting was prepared, as a dialogue square " said one Japanese business man.

And he continued ´ Two countries will definately make the new milestone in global economic world within two years ´

" But we dare to say, we will see our business taking-off one more time in this year " he added.

On that day, one distinguished guest, named Yong Sik, Choi, the Chairman of Korea Tools Industry Cooperation, was focused because of his enlarged vision on international business.

"The total volume of tools exportation to Japan has been increased. But now we face the unexpected crisis.   Because our business has had a close relatation with what happened in the automobile industry " he said.

" But we dare to say, we will see our business taking-off one more time in this year " he added.

11일 롯데호텔에서는 한.일 경제인들과의 만남의 자리가 있었다.

이날 일본의 아소 총리는 한.일 경제협정(EPA)체결의 중요성을 다시한번 강조했으며, 한국과 일본간 경제인교류가 본격화될 전망이다.

이날 양국간 경제인들의 오찬회에는 많은 경제인들이 참석했지만, 화제의 초점은 중소기업중앙회 부회장겸 한국공구공업협동조합의 최용식(崔龍式)이사장 이었다.

“ 기계와는 달리 공구분야는 일본에 수출을 많이 합니다. 그러나 올해 걱정되는 것은 공구산업이 자동차산업과 매우 밀접한 관계에 있다는 점입니다 ”

한국공구산업의 미래를 묻는 기자의 질문에 최용식 이사장은 이같이 밝히며 ‘그러나 올해도 최선을 다해 공구산업 재도약의 발판을 삼을것’이라 포부를 밝혔다.

대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자  welove5555@yahoo.co.kr





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