【뉴스캔】Recently China National Tourist Office has been focused due to its significant role, as a gateway for 2010 Shanghai EXPO, the biggest world-wide exhibition show nobody experienced before.


Considering that 2010 Shanghai EXPO will definitely mark the epoch in history of global exhibition business, our curiosity was peaked, and had an interview with Zhang Xi Long, the Director of China National Tourist Office, Seoul recently.



Q 1) Could you tell us any special character of Shanghai EXPO ?

A 1) Aside from numerous visitors, This EXPO will focus on ´Eco-Friendly´ that has been one of the global hot issues.

Because we dare to say, after Shanghai EXPO, global society will regard our Chinese industry as the eco-friendly based.

And at the field of city´s image, Shanghai will jump over that of New York, because Shanghai will propel ´Zero-CO2´ project, as well as various policies about re-cycling energy, and wind velocity.


A 2) Can you guess how many visitors would visit Shanghai next year ?

Q 2) Not easy to say it in the concrete...But 185 different countries and 46 international organizations already confirmed their participation. So daily visitors, including local people, would be between 400,000 and 800,000.


인터뷰 진행/대한뉴스 추정남 기자

영문 Writer/국제부 이명근 기자 welove5555@yahoo.co.kr


사진제공 : 중국 국가여유국




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