ZETA, the 5th generation fertilizer ready for Green Earth

【뉴스캔】There is an important adage which has been communicated generation after generation.          It´s ‘One stone, Two birds ! ´


Now, one Korea-based company, one of manufacturers of functional fertilizer named ´Human Controls Co.,Ltd´ has been spotlighted bacause of its eco-friendly quality ready for the miracle of organic farming.


They have developed this fertilizer, whose brand is ´ZETA´, under the motto of ´One stone, Two birds !´, having the Covenant that our Earth´s soil should be recovered back again.


Aside from Korean government´s showing interest on it, most people said, ZETA may be a fertilizer for the 5th generation because it can restore the polluted land, revitalizing soil fertility.

" Besides we´ve seen the increased agricultural productivity, we found ZETA has a competitive price when compare with its quality " they continued.


Considering that the first topic of global diplomacy in these days has focused on everything related to ´Green Earth´ and ´Protection of Evironment´, and that we can not rule out the possibility of destruction of the Earth´s soil, Our curiosity on ZETA was so peaked, and we could have an interview with Chairman, Kim Gun Woo, to sketch more about it, including his philosophy of management.

대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자 welove5555@yahoo.co.kr




Off Line 내외대한뉴스 등록일자 1996년 12월4일(등록번호 문화가00164) 대한뉴스 등록일자 2003년 10월 24일 (등록번호:서울다07265) On Line Daily (일간)대한뉴스 등록일자 2008년 7월10일 (등록번호 :서울아00618호)on-off line을 모두 겸비한 종합 매체입니다.


<무단전재 재배포 금지/위 기사에 대한 모든 법적 권한 및 책임은 저작권자 ⓒ대한뉴스에 있음>


Q 1) What´s the background of your R & D for this pollution-free fertilizer ?

A 1) It´s very simple. First of all we´d like to protect our envirionment, making it clean back, and secondly is that we had focused on how to get more agricultural productivity, and lastly is, how to make each of all crops has own immunity against various disease.


Q 2) So far as we know, when ZETA was applied, most crops are growing much thickly, big and plentiful as possible. Could you tell tell us its quality´s special feature ?

A 2) ZETA is made from 100% natural mineral ingredients, which enhanced all crops, by themselves, could have got promotive metabolism with sufficient nutrient supply from fertilized soil.

Especially ZETA, when diluted with water, this changes it to Bio water what´s called ´Nano clustered water´


In addition, it can stimulate soil and crops up for emitting natural healing energy which has been hidding behind us for a long tim, with excellent preventive effects against deadly diseases such as Anthracnose and Blight.


As you know, Chemical fertilizer has made our soil so much be acidificated, and thus many bacteria could get strong resistence against any pesticide treatment.

It´s not going toward what our human-being desired !

So now we dare to say, it´s time for us to put up the eco-freindly tent for all agricultural crops, keeping them from various pollutions.


Endless Challenge for Better Environment with ZETA


Q 3) If possible, can you tell us about your philosophy of management ?

A 3) Our company has one simple slogan.

It is that "Let´s break the barriers of the past through endless challenges"

As you know, like that Goger Bannister broke a big barrier that nobody had dreamed of challenging before, what´s called ´the four-minute-mile barrier´, we are ready for challenging against any obstacle which is able to pollute or damage our Earth´s environment.

Because today is a New Day, and Our human-being and Nature are valuable friends !


대한뉴스 / 국제부 이명근 기자 welove5555@yahoo.co.kr




Off Line 내외대한뉴스 등록일자 1996년 12월4일(등록번호 문화가00164) 대한뉴스 등록일자 2003년 10월 24일 (등록번호:서울다07265) On Line Daily (일간)대한뉴스 등록일자 2008년 7월10일 (등록번호 :서울아00618호)on-off line을 모두 겸비한 종합 매체입니다.


<무단전재 재배포 금지/위 기사에 대한 모든 법적 권한 및 책임은 저작권자 ⓒ대한뉴스에 있음>


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