We love Korea´s beautiful mountain

On that day, Mr.B J Lee(Left in Photo), the Chairman of MS ZONE Co.,Ltd, a Korea-based maker & exporter of functional shoes joined with Peter Chnag for trekking with his mountain friends to celebrate Chang´s first mountaineering in Korea.

" Korean mountain is very beautiful, especially in atumn " said Peter Chang, the Director of TAITRA Seoul(Right in Photo), during all the time of our trekking in Mt.Bul-Am, situated in the North area of Seoul, on October 24.


He continued, " I am very happy to be able to make new friends here through mountaineering activity, though this was the first one in Korea " when he was questioned by a reporter from ´Monthly Mountain´


On that day, Mr.B J Lee(Left in Photo), the Chairman of MS ZONE Co.,Ltd, a Korea-based maker & exporter of functional shoes joined with Peter Chnag for trekking with his mountain friends to celebrate Chang´s first mountaineering in Korea.


Besides, recently MS ZONE announced to launch his business with Taiwanese partner for mainland. and this made Chairman Mr.Lee do trekking together with Peter Chang today.


" We nearly finished to set up sales-network in America as well as European countries. So our next is to establish it in China with Taiwanese business partner, as early as possible" said Chairman Lee

Regarding the key soluition for Korean firms to be successful in China, Peter Chang pointed out the importance of Korea-Taiwan´s cooperation in the field of marketing, saying " Taiwan is a gateway for mainland China. For an instance, if one Korea´s product had been successful in Taiwan and Hongkong, this means that his next business in China would be reserved for more successful one "


국제부 이명근 기자


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